Tel Aviv 2014 - Proposal

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Stateless, OS-less, AppServer-less and effortless cloud deployment


This talk covers Capstan, a fast, simple open-source tool for building virtual machine images with the OSv guest operating system.

OSv is a library OS, designed from scratch to fir cloud workloads. Its two main value propositions are performance and ease of use. Capstan is designed for bundling an app with OSv, resulting in a 2 second build, 12 MB over all image size and 0.5s boot time.

Both tools are integrated for devs, devops and run on laptops or public cloud w/ out of the box integration to cloudInit, logging, monitoring, etc.


Dor Laor is the CEO of Cloudius Systems, an open source startup behind #OSv. Prior to Cloudius systems Dor was part of the founding team of the KVM hypervisor under Qumranet, which was later acquired by RedHat. At RedHat Dor managed the development of KVM and XEN for several years. Dor holds an MSc from the Technion and also has a PhD in snowboarding.

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GigaSpaces Technologies HP Software

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AOL On Revello Systems

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Cloudify by GigaSpaces Librato Metrics Chef bigpanda JFrog Wix Outbrain ElasticSearch (in partnership with We-Ankor)

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GitHub Cloudinary

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